Sprachen Englisch Kursangebote English Extras (Seminar) Art Workshop: George Littlechild (A2/B1 - B1/B2)
Sprachen Englisch Kursangebote English Extras (Seminar) Art Workshop: George Littlechild (A2/B1 - B1/B2)

F481201 (Seminar) Art Workshop: George Littlechild (A2/B1 - B1/B2)

Internationally renowned Canadian First Nations artist George Littlechild says about himself: 'It is my job to show the pride, strength and beauty of First Nation people and cultures'. We will have a closer look at his paintings and his beautifully illustrated children's books and share our thoughts and impressions. Material provided by the teacher.


VHS, Raum 2.12, (10)

ist barrierefrei

Adresse: Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz 1-3
40227 Düsseldorf

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Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Sa. 14.06.2025
10:00 - 13:15 Uhr
Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz 1-3, VHS, Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz 1-3, Oberbilk, Raum 2.12

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